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Simple mechanic that is easy to understand and it all worked perfectly for me! Really love your art, as always.


Dog barks sheep goes WTF


The sheep and the dog are so cute!

I had a hard time separating my black sheep from my white sheep with all those damn wolves looking at their snacks! But it's OK, the sheep are safe! (except for one... rest his soul)

I had a great time and the atmosphere is really cool :D

And by the way, I've noticed that you're starting to get really passionate about translating your games


See? I'm slowly learning from you haha ^^ I'm planning to do my own dahu sound design session in a trijam or two :P

Also your dahu is way cuter than my dog xD

Nice style.Understandable gameplay. Constantly moving the camera away and zooming in is tiring. But the game is short. This does not have time to become very annoying and cause long-term discomfort. Quite fun. I was able to feel like a good dog. New mechanics are constantly appearing. The old ones are not forgotten and are applied. Quite a good example of smooth growth.


Thank you for playing and for your feedback! About the camera, someone else said the same thing so I removed that feature before the end of the jam, hoepfully it won't give players too much discomfort now ^^


This is giving me nostalgia for Sheep, a game from the year 2000. It was awesome and I've tried to find it since, but it is out of print.

I didn't know that game but hopefully you'll find it somewhere sometime haha :P Thank you very much for playing!