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Loved the premise and idea, the art is really nice and the music fits really well!

However, it's a bit hard knowing the right answers without looking at the solution. But for a game jam it's understandable.

As a suggestion, the clues should definitely be organized by character instead of a big list, would make navigation much easier.

Nice job!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much and thank you for the feedback! With the search you can search for a character name and it only display their sentences, but it is hidden and not very intuitive. If I improve the game later I'll definitely add better visual clues/filters to organize this big list of texts haha ^^'

Thank you for playing!


Cool mini Ace Attorney case. Didn't get a single bug.

Really? So cool! I'm glad to see a few people have played it with no issue :D I'll try to update it anyway after the jam for the reported bugs :P Thank you very much for testing it and for your comment!

It was too good!

Even done in 14h30 ! The dialogues are great, and the drawings really good!!!

Every time I discovered a new element in the investigation, I thought, "What! No way!" And all the time I was blaming the wrong person! But I still managed to get to the end of the investigation! (Which I found very coherent).

Bravo again!

Really?? haha xD I really thought this would be impossible to solve! I did 0 tests to check the consistency of the lies/story. Maybe you found just the right path to get to the end without too much trouble...

Thanks for playing and for your comment! It reassures me a little that I didn't do all this for nothing xP


It helps a lot when people say: "You should go and see such and such a person". Honestly, I found it coherent and well constructed!


There's an inconsistency that doesn't seem to count as a lie: Sebastian says that he found the girl this morning because the maid was late with breakfast; the case files say she was found dead in the evening, after finishing the day's work.

(I'm stopping to leave the comment because I think the premise here is really interesting!)

(1 edit)

Thank you for testing this buggy game haha xD I created and wrote the story way too fast, and I almost didn't test it, so there are a lot of inconsistencies like this, I'm afraid...

Because you took the time to comment, maybe I'll take the time to rewrite the dialogs after the jam, at least to remove the biggest incoherences and make it a little more playable :)

Thank you for your feedback!


It would make for a good red herring to keep them, but let them lead to other clues. Good job on the game! I definitely had to play long enough to make it to the end, though had to use your guide because I kept getting it wrong :P

Thank you very much for playing and for your feedback! The update is coming but still needs a few more features and playtests before I publish it :P I added an in-game help/guide, we'll see if it works or not. As for the red herring, it is a very good idea, but I think I will keep this game quite short and not add too many content, it is just a jam game after all ^^ I'll keep this in mind for future games maybe ;)