Made for Trijam #281 - Theme: Deep dive

Dev time: 5h42 (there is definitely an improvement :P)

I tried to keep things very simple to reduce my dev/assets time but I'm still over 3hours. I think I stuggled too much with musics, shaders and particles...

How to play:

  • Keyboard controls: Press Arrow down to swim deeper, Arrow up to swim back to the surface
  • Initially, you can hold your breath for 20seconds. Bubbles on your way can add 2, 5 or 8 seconds to this limit.
  • Underwater, you have no indication of the time spent or the distance from the surface. You have to estimate by yourself when you should come back.
  • Try to dive as deep as possible and spend a maximum time underwater. But if you don't come back soon enough, you will drown.

EDIT after the jam:

  • Fix a bug preventing the max oxygen counter to reset properly
  • Reduce particles effects hoping it would solve performances issues

Assets used:

  • Sound effects from SoundFishing

Musics made with

Made withGodot
Tags2D, Short


Download 26 MB


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Never managed to make it back alive :^)

While it’s quite simple, it’s such a great idea that you can’t see what time left you have, having to make an educated guess for when to go back. That mechanic expanded into a full game could turn into something very fun and challenging.


The bug of the maximum oxygen counter makes it even more challenging, it was not supposed to be that hard haha :P Thank you very much for playing and for your comment!

I absolutely love this game concept, and it's so compelling to play. Timing it with the help of the (very lovely!) music made it so that I was consistently getting back to the surface within a second once I got the hang of it, and it always felt exciting as I reach the turnaround point at the bottom and see maybe one more bubble, or in those last few seconds before reaching (or dying just below) the surface.

Thank you very much for playing! I'm glad you liked the concept, it's quite simple in the end ^^ Thanks for your kind words :)

890 metres! And just half a second away from doing the 1000 metres!!!

The gameplay is enough to make a game and the idea is well found. And I really feel like I'm holding my breath as I approach the surface, knowing that I've probably only got a second or two of oxygen left.

On the last few runs, I really had the impression that my head was like a stopwatch: every time I fell right on the last second.

There's just one little bug, which means I have to refresh the page to reset the maximum oxygen text correctly (which is added to the oxygen from the previous game as soon as you catch a bubble)

Thank you very much for taking the time to play and for your feedback! 890meters is deeper than my own best score, congrats :P